Monday, May 07, 2012

Clean Cartridge

 So I've been busy doing lots of laundry since Steve fixed the washer. Yesterday I pulled the blue jeans and blue jean shorts out of the washer and lo and behold there was an old cartridge laying in the bottom, still damp. I said an ugly word and remembered where I had picked it up while in the frantic cleaning since we got the new shelves. I have loose ca'tridges lyin' around, I recognized that this was a several year old one because it was a semiwadcutter lead alloy bullet that I didn't use anymore. Instead I like the round nosed flat point as those work both in the revolvers and the rifle. Anyhow those who studied the shooting game some thirty+ years or more ago know about how moisture was a big enemy of the primer.

So, anyhow, here was this old, wet cartridge that went through the agitation, spin and rinse cycles, thirty-forty years back it would have maybe been useful in a slingshot but worthless in a firearm. So I stuck it in one of the .45 revolvers, opened the back door and let fly into the ground. I got a loud noise and the ground erupted with the impact of a 255 grain slug at some 850 fps.

 Now I realise that a sample of one does not a big scientifical experiment but still, I remember when we were not even supposed to touch a primer with bare hands for fear that the skin oil would render it inert. It wasn't long ago that a factory round couldn't go through the washer and work, now a five+ year old handload can. Progress.


vwbug said...

Awesome! Wish my boys could come shoot with you.

pamibe said...

Love your pictures! The holster with the badge is awesome...

Need Steve here; my dishwasher just broke.

Anonymous said...

We enjoy your blog very much, keep up the good work. Those guns and holsters look amazing. I think it’s time to trade in my Ruger 44 black powder revolver that I never shot and get me a cowboy gun. Nice to see the youngun out there plugging away. I hope Linda Lou’s knee comes along just fine and you don’t overdue with the work around there. All the best to you. Ron f/MA