Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Comments Down, Thanks To Those Waterheads At JS-kit.

As anyone who has followed these ramblings of mine for more than a few paragraphs knows, I am the next best thing to computer illiterate. Blogfather Harv helped me a lot when I started this little Blog and he's been my main go-to guy for help ever since.

To Harvey's near infinite chagrin, he moved my comments from Blogspot's system to Haloscan. I don't recall why but he saw a major advantage of some kind. Well, that advantage is gone. Seems that Haloscan was sold to some miserable examples of corporate hacks, js-kit. Well, js-kit is holding my comments hostage. Unless I pay them money, no one (not registered?) can comment here and since I haven't paid them, I can't register.

Now I called them miserable examples of corporate hacks for good reason. Why should anyone with a total readership of some sixty to seventy views a day pay for the few comments? One would think even a corporate drone could figure out that there is no money to be found in little bitty blogs like mine. I suspect js-kit is much like the Underwear Gnomes of yesteryear. Tiny little blog-???-PROFIT! Really. How dumb is that? They must have majored in liberal arts at an Ivy League University to be that stupid.

Anyhow, when Harv gets the time he's going to bring back Blogspot's comment system. He says I will lose all of the comments under js-kit. I am not sure if this means that I will lose all of the Haloscan comments from before js-kit bought Haloscan, but, whatever. Harv mentioned in his note to me how sorry his is to have told so many folks to use Haloscan, back in the day. Well, he had no idea that Haloscan would be sold to folks that seem dumb enough to go out in the middle of a freeway and play marbles. At night. Wearin' asphalt colored clothes. Talk about dumber than a bag of hammers.

It occurs to me that I should make some apologies here to those that I have unfairly insulted. I hope that all Underwear Gnomes, waterheads , folks who play marbles in the middle of the freeway and bags of hammers will accept my apology. Liberal Arts majors from the Ivy Leagues? If anyone is reading this to you, sorry. As to the management of js-kit, I hope your legs grow together.


Harvey said...

Ok, I think I've exorcised the comment demons on this blog...

Harvey said...

Pretty sure that worked...

Harvey said...

Ok, cookin' with gas now.

I'm gonna need to post me a post on how to fix this for all the other poor bastards who were unlucky enough to take my advice over the years.