Thursday, January 05, 2012

Slow And Stupid

I haven't been around much lately because we're experimenting with my medications. The meds that do well controlling my tremors make it difficult for me to talk and think. It's as if I'm shedding IQ points like the leaves in late fall. Meanwhile there is a regimen that I can think with, unfortunately I can barely feed myself because I shake so badly I cannot keep food on a spoon, much less a fork.
So, instead of blogging I spend most of my time snoozing, reading silly books and watching the teevee. Of course, bein' almost pure D deef doesn't much help the television experience, but then there never has been much to the television experience, anyway.

 So I don't really know when I'll be back but I'm not on the wrong side of the flowers, yet, just sitting around being old and grumpy. 


pamibe said...

Hope the doc gets your meds worked out so you can think again! {{HUG}}

B said...

I was just thinking that i should drop you a line...Was wondering how you were doing.

Hope it gets better.

Harvey said...

Huh... and here I was thinking you were sitting on the porch with a shotgun yelling at teenagers to get off your lawn like a respectable gentleman.

You're not very good at this "old man" thing :-)

TomR armed in Texas said...

You just about described my daily senior life on meds.

Mrs. Who said...

Thinking of you and sending prayers your way...